Notes about the Referential

1- These concepts are not immutable

They represent the knowledge and feelings, of a single human being, at the beginning of the XXI century and before the Great Mind.

Like everything, they will change and evolve.

2- Why is the World's Purpose "To Be"?

"To Be" seems the only thing the World is doing with conviction.

Perhaps one day Intelligent Life finds another, deepest purpose in the World.

Such as:

       To play with us.


       To reach other level of existence.

Or even

       To create something new.

Intelligent Life is part of the world but it is also autonomous, up to certain degree.

Strangely, the World seems to shape Life, through mechanisms such as natural selection or large catastrophes.

We all are here not only because our parents had been selected but also because our competition was been wiped out by giant asteroid bombings.

It seems the World has its own opinion about what Life should be.

Perhaps someone or something somewhere was another purpose besides "To Be".

One day Intelligent Life might be so spread that it might integrate the whole universe.

The World will be Intelligent Life, Intelligent Life will be the World.

Then they will share the same Purpose.

Will this be the beginning of a New World?

Let there be light.


3- What's the meaning of "To exist and to exist better"?

"Better" can mean "to exist more": by spreading, by becoming more complex and by getting better chances of continue existing.

"Better" is a concept that depends on each instance of life but, of course, the final word belongs to the World.

For Intelligent Life, "better" includes to understand the world.

4- Why "Intelligent life"? Why not just "intelligence"? Is it possible to encounter Intelligence without life?

Intelligence can be part of a mechanism, such as a computer, without following the other criteria for being alive (like growing and evolving).

Even when alive, an intelligent entity might not be considered "Intelligent Life", if it lacks autonomy.

5- Life having intelligence

Intelligent living beings, by themselves, are not Intelligent Life, if they are elements of a species or a community.

Those living beings lack the autonomy: The community is the Intelligent Live Entity.

An Intelligent living being might also be a tool, created for a purpose. It can even be self aware: It knows what it is and what is its purpose but it is not autonomous, its mission is to help, in some way, Intelligent Life.

Artificial life, although, can be also a fully autonomous, Intelligent Life Entity: Either created this way by their manufacturers or becoming that by accident.

6- Why "self wareness, autonomy and cognitive capabilities" must be close to or above those of human beings?

Are we really so self aware, autonomous and clever?

One could imagine a self awareness much greater than ours: someone or something really knowing what he is, where he is and where he is going.

The same can be said about autonomy and intelligence: Are we really autonomous and intelligent?

We might be just an experience, made by one or more super intelligent beings, so above us that we would call them "Gods", due to the lack of terms.

Then we wouldn't be autonomous neither intelligent, at least not according to those entities.

Intelligence can also be a little bellow us, but well above a Chimpanzee.

To face unknown scales we need a reference. Therefore, man becomes the reference: anything close to Homo sapiens or above Homo sapiens is autonomous, self aware and intelligent.

Currently, most living species I know, are autonomous (they pursuit their own purposes as living beings), many are self aware, one is intelligent.

7- Me, as an individual

I'm an individual belonging to an Intelligent Life Entity: the Human Kind.

As an individual of a species I'm an intelligent living being but not Intelligent Life. There is a subtle difference:

My main purpose is to help human kind fulfilling its Purpose.

I will not live enough nor, by myself, I have enough capabilities to understand the world.

I'm a carrier of the flame of life, like billions of other human beings.

Most of my duties as a carrier are hard coded in me: I enjoy sex.

Although not being autonomous, I'm self ware enough to understand that pursuing Knowledge is something worth doing, as well as helping the Human Kind, Life and Intelligent Life.

I collaborate with other human individuals although, sometimes, I also compete with them.

This is what we are: a species made of competitive, colaborating individuals. Perhaps is this a good recipe.

Sometimes, I might even act against my Purpose but this is always by stupidity, never by choice.

8- Individuals, Societies, Technology and the Great Mind

An Intelligence Life Entity may integrate many elements and components.

For instance, books were (and still are) a very important part of the Human Kind's memory.

Human individuals were (and still are) the most important processors and interfaces of Human Kind. They are also the core of impulses, from where actions and projects are built.

Societies spread knowledge and culture, programming human beings.

The Great Mind comprehends the digital knowledge, computer power, data communication and the human beings, including their cognitive capabilities, creativity and the core of impulses.

All these parts make the Human Kind - the single Intelligent Life Entity known (at the moment).

9- Intelligent Live Entities

Besides the Human Kind, many other Intelligent Life configurations are possible.

When two or more Intelligent Live Entities meet, they can interact, creating an intelligent community. This community might evolve together in a shared environment, pursuing the Intelligent Life's mission and becoming a single Intelligent Life Entity (ILE).

Thus, an ILE may have many configurations, including many species, their individuals, technology and other components, working together.

In some cases it would be difficult, and perhaps not particularly important, to define whether they are one or several ILEs.

An ILE can also become more than one. The universe is vast and distances can break Intelligent Live Entities apart, creating new ones. Besides isolation, there might be even be other forms of ILE "Speciation", such as: different principles.

Relationships between ILEs can be difficult. Intelligent Life Entities are LIFE, shaped by a Though World:

Cooperation is not the only attitude to expect when two of them meet. Strong competition, war, even annihilation might happen.

Yes, pay attention, ILEs will also fight wars.

The balance between collaboration versus competition, annihilation versus co-existence might be, again, a mechanism used by the World, giving us its opinion about each ILE.

Will the enormous cognitive and processing capabilities of the Great Mind era favor the fusion of ILEs, by creating successive paths for cooperation?

Will ILEs become intrinsically cooperative?

Perhaps they might, but the universe is large.

10- The Human Kind's Purpose

Our purpose:

1st Priority: To exist and to exist better

2nd Priority: To understand the World

3rd Priority:
  • To become more intelligent
  • To seek for knowledge
  • To spread
  • To help life and intelligent life, as an whole
  • To preserve and promote diversity and biodiversity
  • To go where no one has gone before
As discussed, "to exist better" is tricky and might generate endless interpretations.

The World will have its opinion about what is better but generally, those who exist better also exist more and exist longer.

Most living beings consider that, in order to "Exist and to exist better", they do need to change and adapt.

An excellent way of doing that is to better understand of the World.

This was the reason for life becoming intelligent in first place and, up until now, it was been validated by the World:

It seems that intelligent species tend to exist more and perhaps longer.

In order to exist, to exist better, to understand and to improve the world, the Human Kind follows six principles:

1. To become more intelligent
2. To seek for knowledge
3. To spread
4. To help life and intelligent life, as an whole
5. To preserve and promote diversity and biodiversity
6. To go where no one has gone before

Some of the items above are clearly related to the understanding of the world, such as "To become more intelligent" / "To seek for knowledge".

"To spread" includes "to gain resources and power" thus allowing a better overall performance.

Other items are related to a more specific interpretation of what "better" is:

To help life and intelligent life, as a whole, why? To preserve and promote diversity and biodiversity, why?

This is part of "making the world better" but it means more:

We are all doing same trip, moving in the same direction, perhaps this trip does mean something. Even if we, by ourselves, are unable to finish it, it is important that someone does.

It makes sense to preserve life, biospheres and intelligent entities.

We might compete and sometimes even annihilate other life forms, but only if we have to.

There are other important reasons to preserve and promote diversity, even among ourselves:

This gives us better survival chances to face unexpected future situations.

Human Kind must preserve and expand its own diversity.

Finally, the 6th principle: "To go where no one has gone before"

This might be the most Human of all the 3rd priority's principles… or just something that is part of our efforts to understand the world.

It says that risks have to be taken.

Everything is better than stagnation.

To explore or to die.

To evolve, to always search for new paths or to die trying.

We must go further.

11- Relative importance of the six principles

What happens when there is a conflict of principles?

Principles are organized by order of importance but that doesn't mean that a principle can be wiped out because of another.

The relative importance of each principle is not quantified here.

May be different quantifications will act as distinct factor between ILEs.

Example of a possible conflict: Shell we colonize Mars?

If there is live there then, by terraforming Mars, we will destroy the environment the Martian endemic species.

To spread is more important than to preserve diversity and biodiversity but... "how much important?", "how much both principles are affected"?

Human quantification could reach to a conclusion such as, after gathering all the data, if at least one of those species is intelligent then we shouldn't spread on Mars. Otherwise, there might be ok just to conserve those species in inside a lab.

12- The arrival of the Great Mind

I expect that the Great Mind will unite Human Kind.

A single government structure becomes possible.

This carries many benefits:
  • Avoiding most internal wars
  • Ending hungry and poverty
  • Reducing the money spent on weapons and investing it on education, research and development
  • Better dealing with global catastrophes, including diseases, climate changes and cosmic threats
  • An enormous economical growth
  • Rising the human lifespan

13- The Threat

All of these Great Mind's benefits are nice but they can also become our death sentence.

To a species, it really doesn't matter if half of the population is hungry, or if thousands of individuals are killing themselves.

What really matters is the chance of surviving.

In theory, Great Human Kind has better chances of surviving, because it makes a clever use of resources, because it has more knowledge and because it is more Intelligent.

But this is a mistake.

A United Human Kind might be nice at short term and perhaps even a necessity to survive in a globalized world, facing severe ecological and social problems.

At long term this is a trap: once inside, we lose diversity: our multiple societies cannot evolve independently.

The Human Kind, as a single entity, can easily be killed.

An example: At that time we all be deeply dependent of technology. What happens if we have another massive solar storm, such as the one from 1859? By then only the telegraph was shot down, in future, such an accident could mean extinction.

May be even worst are the dangers we can not foreseen, the dangers we know nothing about, until it's too late.

What if the Great Mind becomes insane?

One of the life's biggest dangers is to have Success in Excess.

What would be Life if DNA replication was 100% successful?

The Great Mind advent can lead to too much success.

14- Breeding

To survive, once united, the Great Human Kind must BREED.

We will get together for breeding.

And that, besides nice, is a matter of life and death.

It will be one of the most dangerous threats we will face, since we have risen in both feet, a few million years ago, in Africa.

We must spread again, sowing human seeds through the universe.

The speed of light and distance will become a good incubator of those seeds, acting as an effective isolator (let's expect so).

To Breed and to Spread

creating Intelligent Live Entities

To go there

where no one has gone before.

This will be our most important project at the Great Mind's era.

I suspect this is especially important in the Beginning of the Union.

I suspect this might not be possible at later stages.

Distinct, Human Based Life Entities must be spread to the Universe.

The "eggs" should be differentiated, allowing the generation of multiple and viable societies.

15- The Future

Can anyone ever guess the future?


To look at the future it is like a inkblot test.

This is what I see:

The Near Future
The arrival of the Great Mind, the greatest revolution the Human Kind has ever faced.
The Next Future
Breeding and spreading to the Universe, perhaps getting in touch with non-human ILEs.
The Horizon Future
We will understand better the world but we will still be far from understanding it.
The Far Future
We might end up knowing the World's Purpose: "To Be" might mean many unexpected things.
The Farthest Future
Let there be light, again.
The Future afterwards

There will be one.

16- Helping the mother and the younger brothers

This is an action that can be done somewhere between the Next Future and the Horizon Future:

To go out of the Earth, letting whatever remains here to evolve by themselves.

We know that Earth is an excellent incubator's bed.

(Was that happened already to Earth?)

We could spread to the universe and leave Mother for the next species.

Leaving, perhaps, a gardener behind.

May be a gardener already exists, ready to plant to the next season.

17- A new world is coming

A new world, even newer than we would expect, is coming.

We, or something that once was "us", will follow that road.

Amazing future.

This is most beautiful landscape of the World:

The Future

There will be one.

